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"The outward and ordinary means whereby Christ communicates to his church the benefits of his mediation, are all his ordinances; especially the Word, sacraments, and prayer; all which are made effectual to the elect for their salvation." Westminster Larger Catechism A. 154
Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.
Worship Service


Our lives have been changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In expressing our heartfelt gratitude and love for our Savior, we simply cannot overstate the importance of Sunday Worship. It provides the context where we worship God together and hear His Word proclaimed and taught as we grow in our mission as a Church.

Our worship service is  designed to reflect the gospel (several of the following aspects are voiced in responsive readings and songs):


  • Call to worship- As the initiator of our salvation, God calls us to come into His presence and worship Him. We respond with praise and adoration.

  • Prayer of Invocation- A prayer that God would be pleased to receive our worship and to be present with us.

  • Call to confession, silent and corporate confession- As we come before a holy God, we recognize our need for ongoing repentance and confession of our sins, against Him and one another.

  • Assurance of Pardon- We have assurance that our sins have been forgiven through the redemptive work of Christ on our behalf and that we are clothed in His righteousness.

  • Pastoral Prayer- Pastor lifts prayers for the local church and the church at large, ministering in the name of Christ, our Mediator Who intercedes for His people.

  • Offering- An act of worship, in giving back to God a portion of that which we have received, through our tithes and offerings.

  • Sermon- The Word preached by His ordained minister and received by the hearers.

  • Response- Adoration, praise, and a renewal of purpose to glorify Him with a commitment toward obedience and love for one another.

  • Benediction- The blessing pronounced upon God's people by His ordained minister.


You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,  and will all your soul, and with all your mind. Mt. 22:37
Sunday School


​We have classes for all ages of children, youth and adults. All of our curriculum reflects our denominational standards and much is acquired through Great Commissions Publications (GCP).


From their early toddler years, children grow up learning the truths of scripture in a question and answer format from the Westminster Children's Catechism. (Q. & A.1, Who made you? God made me.)


Bible stories from the Old and New Testament focus on the Christ of our salvation throughout the story of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Consummation (or Glorification).


The Adult SS class often alternates between a book discussion or topical study format. 



Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Ps. 34:8a
Fellowship Time


After the worship service we enjoy about 15 minutes together when we can grab a cup of coffee, a cookie, some fruit and nuts, etc., and catch up with one another. We often sing Happy Birthday, celebrate special occasions or get information on upcoming events during this time.


When? Every Sunday after Worship
​How long? 15 minutes


Fellowship Dinner


Following Sunday School on the second Sunday of each month we enjoy a more extended time of community with a meal together. Every one brings a dish to share and we gather in the fellowship room dining area. Our dinners often have themes that promote various ministry aspects of our church life (Vacation Bible School, Women in the Church Love Gift, Missions, etc.)


When? The Second Sunday after SS

How long? usually about 1 hour


TIP- Together In Prayer


During the adult SS hour on the second Sunday of the month, we gather, sing a hymn together and spend some time in corporate prayer. You may choose whether you wish to pray aloud or not.


When? During adult SS hour the second Sunday of each month












On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion- often called the visible Word. 

An outward and sensible sign of an inward and spiritual grace

© 2024 by Westminster Presbyterian Church

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