Westminster Presbyterian Church PCA
a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America

"Holding Forth the Word of Life" since 1867
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Westminster PCA online. Feel free to browse our site where you'll find: uplifting messages from our pastor,
this week's worship bulletin, announcements for upcoming events, opportunities to serve, helpful links and more.
We hope to whet your appetite to visit us and "...taste and see that the Lord is good!" at Westminster.
Our Mission
For God's glory, Westminster desires to worship the Triune God and teach the truths of His Word, so that His people will grow in grace, be equipped to love and serve others, and reach the world for Jesus Christ.
Pastor is presently preaching a sermon series in the book of Genesis.
Rest and Refreshment- Wednesday evenings this spring at 6:30 p.m.: An informal time designed for the whole church family: we will sing hymns, share thoughts on a Scripture passage with each other, and pray together.
Worship Services
09:00 a.m.: Worship Service
10:30 a.m.: SS Classes
We have a nursery for 3 years and under.
Listen to last Sunday's sermon
Worship through Giving
Currently you may give to WPC electronically via the PCA Foundation, by debit only.

We invite to join our mailing list and receive emails we
send out with news, weekly updates, new sermons, etc.
Westminster Celebrates 155th Anniversary in 2022